Work with us

We use AI to scale sales outreach, so you win more customers

Grow twice as fast with half as many salespeople. We build, test and scale your outbound that do the work of 5 SDRs.

B2B sales teams who book more outbound meetings

Get meetings with prospects that need what you sell

Outbound systems

Multi-channel sales outreach that win more clients

Crumbs is a B2B lead acquisition agency that specializes in helping businesses generate high-quality leads and close more deals — without the manual hassle.

We scale your relevant outreach, not personalization

We're a compagnon de route that uses AI, 30+ data sources, stellar copy writing, and the most recent tool stack to get meetings with your prospects.

There's a new way to sell

Forget old-school, spray-and-pray tactics. No more drowning in account research, and no more expanding the sales team just to reach target. We book sought after meetings using highly personalized & thoughtful outbound — at scale.

Outbound systems powered by

Advanced company research

You had no idea who to sell to, and now you do. Crumbs uses 30+ data sources and AI to find, prioritize and enrich your full addressable market with custom data only you need.

Custom Crumbs
Job hiring data
leadership changes
Employee growth
buying signals
tech stack
website data
job switch triggers
pain signals

How it works

We take over your outbound strategy, source relevant data, implement our tech stack, find intent-signals, manage copywriting, and scale your campaigns to create pipeline and revenue.

First Day

Kick-off by discussing your ICP, pains you solve, expected results and the technical details of your campaigns.

First Week

Mapping addressable market, gather the first lead list, craft custom email templates, setup the campaigns and warmup inboxes.

First Month

You're live! If the campaign gains traction, we scale to new markets. We continually analyze performance and make improvements. 


After building a solid workflow of getting consistent new meetings we A/B test and polish our services to boost campaign success.

The most relevant message, to prospects in pain


Have other questions or want to explore pricing options? Get in touch with our team via

Can I take at a testdrive?

Yes - we have 2 testdrive spots open each month. We set up a basic campaign with 300 prospects within a small subset of you market. Testdrives are run for 1 month and costs 1K EUR.  

If you only need the Addressable market mapping and pain signals we usually start with a Proof of Concept delivered within 2 weeks.

How fast will I see results?

There are a couple of things that affect performance like ICP, product/market-fit,  size of market, client focus (SMB vs Enterprise), value proposition, etc.

Usually we'll have a good understanding of what works and what not within 4-6 weeks. After that, results improve by 30% per quarter because we keep on implementing new learnings.

What are expected and minimum results?

Since we use advanced targeting, AI and pain signals as the outreach message we outperform all of the industry benchmarks, but it's highly dependent on the market you're selling to. As a rule of thumb:

Months 1 to 3: 1-2% lead to demo
Months 4 to 6: 2-3% lead to demo
Months 7 to 12: same, but scaled campaigns in different markets.

We usually start with at least 500-1000 new prospects per month, so it's safe to say we deliver a minimum of 10-20 qualified meetings in that month. This scales to 20-60 meetings after the first quarter.

Who is this for?

Ideal for founder-led sales, product-led, or small sales teams looking to add, test, and scale outbound as a channel. And anyone that thinks outbound is dead, is only scalable through hiring more sales people or buying expensive data vendors. 

We act as an extended part of your team to prospect and run outbound campaigns to generate interested leads and grow your pipeline. All closed deals start with identifying an opportunity, we help you find and talk with more opportunities.

What does reporting and support look like?

Customer support and performance are our #1 priority. Our team will help you figure out who are the best buyers in your market and craft the campaigns to convert them. 

We'll meet bi-weekly for 30 min to track metrics like reply rate, demo rate, conversions or general adjustments in targeting and messaging.

How many of my prospects can you reach?

This depends on your market size and offering. Typically at least 1000 per month that scales up to 10.000 if the results stay strong.

Note: it can take 2-3 months preparation and A/B testing before scaling to 10.000 monthly prospect hits. There are a lot of components like ideal messaging, offer, multiple domains and inbox warmups, market size, buying committee etc. that should all perform well on a lower scale first.

As mentioned before we do not spray and pray, and therefore start small to get enough traction before scaling to new markets.

Want to grow revenue?
We build, test and scale your sales outreach that book more meetings.